
Probleme after update to version 19.02

Hello, Aftr update to version 19.02 my stream is up on the server but off on my website ,I can not open the stream in m3u8, I need your help please.
when i try to see with embed i have this message :
403 Unauthorized
Flussonic Streamer protection system doesn’t allow you to watch this content.

but i dont have backend authentication .

For moment i downgrade From 19.02 to 19.01 and all is okey now.

Can you help me please ?

Add to configuration:

or add your website to allow domains

I have the same problem, I can’t add the m3u8 connection of the hls protocol after using 19.03. Please fix…

This can be done:

Come on, try to read the changelog a bit https://flussonic.com/post/version-19-02

Just check how to use it.