One of my client trying to push the stream via Nginx to my Flussonic server.I have created a stream in flussonic server and in the stream log i can see below message
17:29:13.029 <0.32204.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:1478 stream started
17:29:13.029 <0.32202.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1
17:29:13.097 <0.32203.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:3470 stream stopped
17:29:16.170 <0.32216.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:1478 stream started
17:29:16.170 <0.32214.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1
17:29:16.207 <0.32215.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream: stream stopped
17:29:19.279 <0.32230.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:1478 stream started
17:29:19.279 <0.32228.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1
17:29:19.344 <0.32229.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:3470 stream stopped
17:29:22.414 <0.32241.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:1478 stream started
17:29:22.414 <0.32239.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1
17:29:22.480 <0.32240.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:3470 stream stopped
17:29:25.551 <0.32251.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:1478 stream started
17:29:25.551 <0.32249.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1
17:29:25.568 <0.32250.6> [rtmp/rtmpmy] live_stream:3470 stream is nginx server Can you please help to get me idea what is going wrong. Hope to hear from you soon.
2018-08-21 18:59:01.078 <0.376.0> [rtmp] live_stream:966 Autostart from [{live_stream,real_start_with_config,2,[{file,“apps/live/src/live_stream.erl”},{line,964}]},{static_stream_watcher,’-recheck/0-lc$^1/1-1-’,1,[{file,“apps/live/src/static_stream_watcher.erl”},{line,85}]},{static_stream_watcher,recheck,0,[{file,“apps/live/src/static_stream_watcher.erl”},{line,85}]},{static_stream_watcher,handle_info,2,[{file,“apps/live/src/static_stream_watcher.erl”},{line,53}]},{gen_server,try_dispatch,4,[{file,“gen_server.erl”},{line,616}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,6,[{file,“gen_server.erl”},{line,686}]},{proc_lib,wake_up,3,[{file,“proc_lib.erl”},{line,257}]}] 2018-08-21 18:59:01.080 <0.6458.0> [rtmp] live_stream:1478 stream started 2018-08-21 18:59:03.916 <0.6466.0> ems_rtmp:310 RTMP connect from with args: [{app,<<“static”>>},{tcUrl,<<“rtmp://”>>},{pageUrl,<<>>},{swfUrl,<<>>},{flashVer,<<“LNX.11,1,102,55”>>},{audioCodecs,3575.0},{videoCodecs,252.0}] 2018-08-21 18:59:03.953 <0.6466.0> rtmp_session:570 RTMP call 0:createStream([null]) 2018-08-21 18:59:03.954 <0.6466.0> rtmp_session:570 RTMP call 1:publish([null,<<“rtmp”>>,<<“live”>>]) 2018-08-21 18:59:03.954 <0.6466.0> [rtmp] live_rtmp_publish:197 rtmp publish stream_id 1 2018-08-21 18:59:04.016 <0.6457.0> [rtmp] live_stream:3470 stream stopped 2018-08-21 18:59:04.016 {error,<0.354.0>, {<0.6458.0>, “** Generic server ~tp terminating \n** Last message in was ~tp~n** When Server state == ~tp~n** Reason for termination == ~n** ~tp~n”, [<0.6458.0>,
I’m not a prophet so such pieces of logs can’t help.
It’s rather strange and looks like you need to configure your nginx properly.
I advise you to create a ticket via client area.
And provide logs, access and all the stuff required for troubleshooting.
Find out how to do it here.
Hi Pavel,
Support ticket has been already created with all the information but i’m not getting proper response.
With the current nginx setting I’m able to ingest to other platform like (e.g. wowza,elemental,envivo).
It’s a nginx-rtmp-module bug (feature?), it’s looses rtmp metadata and send invalid value: videocodecid=0.
Add “meta copy;” option to your nginx config and try again:
application test {
live on;
meta copy;
push rtmp://flussonic-ip/mylive/test;
Waiting for your feedback!
Thanks for the info.Issue fixed after adding “meta copy;”.