
Link protection from Theaf

This is My website GTV
I am restream GTV on My flussonic server and using my website. but most of people also use my link her own website. So how may i Protect my link? i am using .m3u8 link. i have also option .embed play.
Do you have any option to protect my link
like as
domain block? means I need to block her domain
any option after 1 hour need to change auto token option.
thats means i need a token system after 1 hour its changes the link/token auto for my website.

i need a token system after 1 hour its changes the link/token auto for my website.

this will be a bit complicated, but possible.

We can also think about an option to add some kind of switching tokens with leaving old session.

The main work must be done on your website.