
iframe in https token not working

iframe in https token not working 403 Unauthorized
Flussonic Streamer protection system doesn’t allow you to watch this content.

Not clear what do you mean. Flussonic has protection mechanism and if you get 403, then it means that this protection works.

yes i get like error, Flussonic need fix the Problem!!!

“403 Unauthorized”

so it seems that there is no problem: Flussonic protects from unauthorized access. Use proper token and all will work.

Hi max, i have got same problem here. I understand protection works. But when i get token from website i know i am getting token which is valid. but when i do get request to media server with the token i recieved from website it throws 403 forbidden error. is there any way to send request to media server which is unique? i am getting url from website like this http://url.com/stream.m3u8?token=17dvdgreyy4yegbf. i am sending get request with exact url. nothing extra but few cookies like user-agent and cache. what is wrong i am doing here?