
How do I insert my logo over the channel?

What are the ways to insert logo in channel?

You can insert logo with transcoder. It’s allow to burn image into the video track but it’s resouce-intensive proccess.

stream ort {
  url  udp://;
  transcoder vb=2048k preset=fast logo=/path/to/file.png@10:10 ab=128k;

10:10 are coordinates of the top left corner of the screen.

Also you can use html overlay logo. Player adds transparent layer with your image. This logo will not be displayed on mobile devices and in the DVR player, but it does not generate additional load on the server.

stream ort {
  url  udp://;
  logo path=flu/erly-small.png height=100 width=100 left=0 top=0;

See more here https://flussonic.com/doc/live/logo